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What are the tubes called that carry urine away from the kidneys to the urinary bladderThe ureters are what carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. There is one ureter from each kidney, so two ureters in the body. These are the mucous membrane lined, muscular ducts that propel urine from the renal pelvis of each kidney to the bladder.. Because he has an overseas conference call.If you like this cheap nfl jerseys story, consider signing up for our email newsletters.SHOW ME HOWThe Holier Than Thou Religious Guy This guy doesn't want you to drink, swear or rat your hair. He will hold you to ridiculous double standards of morality and purity. He doesn't want some party girl to be the mother of his children, so he'll ask you to cut out your nightly glass of after dinner wine and skip your best friend's bachelorette party. Amsterdam is a city that's quite relaxed about sex being part of tourism. And cheap nfl jerseys why not Sex, or the suggested promise of it, is ...